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Feel like trying a Jigsaw Puzzle?

Wait for the puzzle application to load. When it is ready you will see an area with more or less pieces of an image below, and in the left part of it a menu in grey. Grab the pieces with your mouse. When two adjacent pieces come together they will snap together.

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If it does not appear to load correctly or you are experiencing some other problem, for example missing some (or all) pieces, see this help page (opens in a new window). It will also tell you how to change both the form and number of pieces to easier or more advanced levels, among other things.

NOTE! Once the puzzle is solved, new buttons will appear to the left. Clicking those buttons will work as a Portkey from this site to the realm of JigZone.com . It won't open in a new window, but by clicking any of them (including the one called "Play Again") you will leave Try & Trix instantly. Hence Try & Trix has no responsability for the content, nor the pop-up adds you are likely to see. If you would like to remain at this site, use the usual menu above instead or use this link Play again or choose another Jigsaw Puzzle.

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