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Members at Try & Trix!

As the amount of members have grown, the member list is now using several pages, instead of being one loooong list. This help minimize the need to scroll. If you wish to sort the member list on another column, just click the corresponding header.
Example: To get the list sorted on dates, click "Since" below.

Only confirmed members are able to login. Likewise, the choice to receive emails on news only apply to confirmed members.

"Ghost" members below have not confirmed their membership yet. Confirm your membership by following the instructions in the email you got from Try & Trix at registration time. It was sent to the email address you registered under. If you, for some reason, did not receive such an email, please read this.

Search for member name:
(Matches partial names too. Must be at least 2 letters long.)

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Member Since House
AccurneThir2014-09-14none yet
acmjvlssd2014-11-14none yet
addexutuary2008-10-25none yet
adwindham2010-02-24none yet
aelioninca2004-10-29none yet
aileen_97982009-03-25none yet
AJC!2005-08-14none yet
Ajddmof2014-10-21none yet
Aleks1021892007-07-26none yet
Alfonsknits2014-05-29none yet
Alorra Spinnet2005-04-02Gryffindor
amanda182006-11-05none yet
AnaevaMam2008-10-13none yet
andrea2005-03-20none yet
AngelaLuna2010-08-01none yet
Angil2007-12-18none yet
anody2008-07-22none yet
anood2005-05-22none yet
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