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Once Try & Trix was nothing more than an idea of a site for puzzle-loving HP-fans. When I started out to realise it, my plans grew, and so did the site. I was fortunate to have some unselfish people to rely on, when I was stuck in one way or another. The following resources helped, in various ways, to transform my idea into this site. A huge THANK YOU to all of you! *smile*

Host: tydal.nu

I am very greatful that tydal offered to host this site at tydal.nu  (Swedish site).

Banner maker: acciofirebolt29

This young woman deserves a tribute for providing me with all the original banners (no longer in use), including the House banners (still in use), for exclusive use at Try & Trix! In some cases the banners are based on rough design ideas of my own, in some cases it's her idea all the way. To see more of her graphics, please visit her awsome avatar page with lots of Harry Potter themed avatars.

A haven for swedish programmers: webforum.nu

IMO, the best community for computer and/or programming interested swedes. There isn't any aspect of computers and programming that can't be discussed at this site, a friendly place where programmers at all levels from true amateurs to experts strive to help eachother and have a good time together while doing so.

Without this community lots of early programming mistakes could have proved fatal for Try & Trix's construction and Try & Trix might never have been finished. The patient explanations from some true PHP-experts on this site saved me hours upon hours of despair... *smile*

Also, Try & Trix uses (with consent, naturally) the smilies from webforum.nu  (Swedish site).

Site Pre-viewers: acciofirebolt29, Catonmyhead and Ivybelle

These three has been all over the site testing functionality, user-friendliness and such things, giving me a chance to correct things that didn't work as intended. Also, found a huge amount of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes... Any such mistakes remaining are to be blamed on my reformulations and additions, not on them. I am very grateful for the time you put down on your scrutinous survey of Try & Trix!!! *smile*

Special Inspiration Sources

While I'm at it I would also like to mention the following for being such great inspiration sources...

thinkPotter.com July 1, 2002 - November 2, 2004

IMO, thinkPotter.com (note the extension: ".COM") used to be the best Harry Potter community for mature, intelligent, in-depth, thought-provoking HP-discussions. I was a member there almost from the beginning and we had some truelly fabulous discussions. Whatever happened November 2, 2004? *huh* I wish I knew and understood... but we sure lost it anyway. *sad*

One small part of this community held game threads, for which not so few of my crosswords were originally created. I have now added all my crosswords from that lost community here, (and will keep adding new material). The PS/SS Movie Quiz also appeared at this site for about ten months 2002-03 before the quiz part stopped working when that site changed servers. I doubt anyone remember it since then. Apart from the mentioned puzzles all other material here is genuinely new.

Still, a little over two years of in-depth Harry Potter analysis have been a great inspiration source for puzzle creation, and this site and most of its people are going to be thoroughly missed...

J.K. Rowling herself

(Not that she'll ever read this...) Still, these books are enchanting beyond belief... There are so many people, worldwide, in almost any age that are enthralled by them. *smile* I am but one of them, but the books has inspired my interest for puzzles, enough to create my own. I've spent so many pleasent hours in the company of Harry through these books (and on the webb discussing them! *alarmed* ) that I am very, very grateful I finally overcame the "children book" notion I used to have in my head, prior to the first movie, back in early 2002.

Thanks a million for the little wizard and his enchanting world that we have come to meet, and love, through these books! *big smile* If you haven't already seen it, visit JKR's site.
If you're connection speed is too slow for flash, here's an alternative: JKR's site, TEXT ONLY version.

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