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Feel like trying a Sphinx Riddle?

This Sphinx riddle will not lead to an attack, if answered incorrectly. Additionally you'll get much easier clues for the parts it consists of if you click the brown "(Hint)" links below. The downside is that the correct answer won't lead you to a fortune either... *joking* Another difference is that the solutions (of the entirety, not necessarily the parts) are all HP related, one way or another. *supergrin* Other than that they are constructed the same way as the Sphinx's Riddle in GOF. You can take the puzzles without logging in, but you have to login first to rate them. *smile*

Your answer should be to the entire riddle only. IE for the sphinx riddle in GOF the answer would be spider. Uppercase or lowercase doesn't matter. See also Textfield scoring.


Who is this?

Created by Evreka in September 2008.

No-one has rated this Sphinx Riddle yet.

Irony on the webb is a dangerous tool
if you don't want to be seen as the fool
you might need to a "joke message" send
by appending two letters at the end.
Here we use those letters as our start,
they make up the entire first part. (Hint)

Next we're looking for a bit
of a music style with many a hit.
What exactly can you do around a clock
except "just" sing and rock? Think Elvis Presley...

Thirdly, what is common to both fire and ice,
ink and riddles, life and lice?
Figure it out and do not dwell,
now it's time to the last part tell... (Hint)

Finally a sound in words we seek...
Perphaps it'll help if you aloud speak:
Longbottom, Durmstrang and Fang...
The common part you'll find with a bang! (Hint)

Now string them together, and who will you get?
You've heard of this one, I'm willing to bet!
Who, among these clues is dwelling?
And when you know - mind your spelling!!!

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