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Solve HP Books: DH Crossword

Crossword created by Evreka. It was first created in November 18th, 2007.

This crossword, constructed November 18th, 2007, is centered around the final book in the HP saga. (Not every word fit the theme.)

Average rate as 4: Challenging, but fun. (by 1 person(s)).

This crossword includes a bonus word. You can get up to 3 extra bonus points by getting the letters in the colored cells right, and figure out the secret word.

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How to use crossTrixer 2.0

This application uses JavaScript, so you must have JavaScript enabled for this to work. It is still being developed.

Read the keys/hints until you spot a word you think you know what it is. Find that word in the crossword. Click in any cell that belongs to this word. Each word that makes use of this cell, will get one row in the Form to the right. The cells corresponding to the currently active word will be colored blue in the crossword. Its key (and possibly hint) will apear in the Current Word Box on top to the right. Enter the word you think you know in the corresponding row in the Form, and hit "Add!" at that line. The letters you provided will now appear in the crossword. You can only add/edit/remove one word at the time. If you want to clear the entire crossword and start over, simply reload the entire page by the reload button in your browser.

It is also possible to click random cells in the crossword, to see the current key displayed in the Current Key Box. Is the crossword too hard? Are you stuck? Get easier clues by checking individual checkboxes, or use the buttons to show/hide all hints. The crossword will not change.

When you are satisfied with the words you have entered, you can check the result by clicking the "Correct the Crossword!" button above the crossword. *smile*

For more help, including screen caps, go to this CrossTrixer 2.0 FAQ (opens in a new window).

Scramble the letters to find a word related to the ending of the saga.
Enter the bonus word here (for bonus points):

Check this box if you want to correct a partially solved crossword.
Note that you must fill in at least 60% of the cells for this to work.

Current Word Info

Check me to show the hint for this word.

PosThe Word



A (3-7): Found in a lake.
A Founder Artefact.

A (9-11): Patronus form of some importance.
A female stag.

C (1-5): (Singularis) Could be found in a Mirror or a Golden Snitch.
One could bring you eternal life, another bring back people from the dead.

C (6-13): Leads one group at the Rebellion at Hogwarts.
Happy to serve Harry and Regulus.

E (1-3): Mr Cattermole whom Ron Impersonated at the MoM. (Short form of name.)
Also the first few letters in Sitius' brother's name.

E (5-11): Albus and Xenophilius were both very interested in these.
First described in The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

G (1-5): (With 4 (A-D)) The gift to Antioch Peverell
(With 4 (A-D)) Other owners include Gellert, Albus and Draco.

G (10-13): Romilda.
If the fight is hopeless, you struggle in this.

I (1-4): Fred Weasley.
Or George.

I (5-11): Kreacher's Master.

J (10-13): Xenophilius' daughter.
Ravenclaw student.

L (1-3): Opposite to Lumos!
Turns off an ignited wand tip.

L (7-9): Lupin.
Harry's God son.


1 (A-L): (With C (1-5)) Both an E (5-11) and a 5 (E-K)
(With C (1-5)) Brought James, Lily, Remus and Sirius to Harry's side.

3 (E-G): Has given name to a Hollow.
One of the Founder's.

4 (A-D): Has an allegiance to give away.
Will work best for its Master.

5 (E-K): Such a Hunt is Harry's first priority in DH.
The Peverell Ring and Slytherin's Locket are two examples of this.

7 (A-G): Big D.
Harry's cousin's surename.

7 (I-L): Aberforth's Patronus.
He was once involved in some illegal Charms on such animals.

9 (A-F): Gave Harry a ride.
Out of Gringotts.

10 (G-K): Hiding place for a Horcrux.
Another hidd the Philosopher's Stone, some years ago.

13 (B-L): The Darkest Wizard of his time?
Friend of Albus Dumbledore (for a time).

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